Our commitment in Education is coined around the need to increase literacy level in the country by removing barriers to universal primary education for all school going age
children, providing alternative education system for nomadic communities and non-traditional students such as the youth and adults.

Between November 2016-Dec 2015, with support from Federal Government of Germany through Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, a total of 19,000 school going children in 45 primary schools in Cuibet County were directly provided wet CSB ration, besides routine nutritional assessment, deworming, and nutritional education.

With financial support from Child Fund Korea, HLSS supported Melijo IDP primary school
and provided Scholastic materials, teachers incentives, infrastructural development, and established goats farming as part of sustainability after exit.

While in Kuggi community Primary School in Juba, HLSS comprehensively supported smooth school running. Teachers’ salaries, scholastic materials, constructed classroom blocks, Child Friendly space, Psychological Support, constructed and stocked school canteen as sustainability exit strategy.